The Global TB Consilium: a response to difficult-to-treat TB cases
The Global TB Consilium is supported by the Global TB Network (GTN) and operates within WAidid (World Association Infectious Diseases and Immunological Disorders), a scientific society offering free-cost membership. A specific global expert Committee supports the TB Consilium
What is The Global TB Consilium?
It is a free-cost electronic consultation initiative providing clinicians with expert opinion on challenging cases of TB within 48 hours on a secure platform in different languages (English, Russian, Spanish, Portuguese and Italian).
The aims of the Global TB Consilium are to:
- Improve the clinical management of difficult-to-treat TB cases or micro-epidemics (including TB/HIV and paediatric cases and latent TB infection) and prevent the emergence of further drug-resistance
- Provide evidence-based advice to support physicians in managing diagnosis and treatment of MDR/XDR-TB cases (special focus on rationale use of new drugs/regimens and their compassionate use, and management of adverse events)
- Support the management of trans-border migration TB cases
Follow these steps to submit a case and ask for clinical advice:
- Fill in online the Patient Form with anonymised clinical information (GDPR rules)
- Receive a prompt expert advice (48 hours) in your TB Consilium account (you will be notified via e-mail)
- Pretomanid?
For trans-border migration TB cases, provide us with relevant information here
Our Team
G.B. Migliori
GTN Chair
Marina Tadolini
Global TB Consilium Chair
Simon Tiberi
Global TB Consilium Co-Chair
Adrian Rendon
Global TB Consilium Co-Chair
Lia D’Ambrosio
Global TB Consilium Coordination Office
Denise Rossato Silva
GTN Secretariat